Avyakt BapDada 20th June 1973
Are you continuing to become intense effort-makers, whilst receiving all blessings from the Bestower of Blessings in the land of blessings? The transformation that you have brought about in the speed of effort: is this eternal, or for only a short time? No matter what situation comes in front of you, or what obstacles come to shake you, what are obstacles in front of one who has the company of the Almighty Father? What will an obstacle be transformed into in front of such a soul? An obstacle will become a means for deep love.
So, you will remain cheerful, will you not? if any person or any situation becomes instrumental in creating an obstacle, there should not be a vision of dislike, nor any waste thoughts created for that one; but there should be “Wah, Wah” emerging for that one. If you have this vision, then your vision becomes very elevated. No matter what others are like, your vision and attitude should always be filled with good wishes and benevolent feelings. Benefit should be visible in every aspect.
You children of the Benefactor Father are also benevolent, are you not? After becoming a benefactor, there cannot be anything in which there is no benefit. Have this faith, and become an embodiment of remembrance, and you will never fluctuate.
When someone wears red or green glasses, everything he sees is red or green. In the same way, you should all be wearing glasses of benevolence on your third eye. The third eye is benevolent. It is not possible that you see any lack of benefit through it. People who do not have knowledge think that there isn’t any benefit in something; but, for you, there is benefit merged in even that. For instance, people think that destruction is not beneficial, but you know that it is only through this that the gates to liberation and salvation will open. When anything comes in front of you, there is benefit merged in all of that.
When you continue to move along with such faith in your intellects, then what will you attain? You will develop a constant and stable stage. You should not stop because of anything. Those who stop are weak. Mahavirs never stop. It should not be that when an obstacle comes, you stop. Achcha.
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